Call for Papers (open call) no. 7


Number 7 (monographic): A multidisciplinary approach to sound studies and aurality
Issue editor: Fernando David Maldonado Parrales

Deadline for submission: 10 July 2024
Publication date: December 2024

For this issue we look forward to receiving contributions exploring the complex relationship between sound and social identity processes, and examining the fascinating processes of signification of sound, noise and silence in constantly evolving cultural and social environments. We also recognise the key importance of reflections on listening and aurality to understand how sounds are perceived and acquire meaning, and thus how they contribute to sociocultural constructions. Besides, we encourage contributions that explore the impact of existing and emerging technologies on these processes of signification, as we acknowledge the crucial role that technology plays in the creation, distribution and reception of sounds today.

We are also interested in addressing how sound environments or atmospheres, both natural and urban, can play a critical role in artistic creation. How do ambient sounds influence the creative process of music and sound artists? How can interaction with the sound environment shape artistic narratives and experiences?

Finally, we invite submissions that question the very interventionist nature of sound studies. This issue is intended as a space for reflection where participants can take a critical look at the practices of sound study and analysis, exploring possible limitations and biases inherent in these approaches. It seeks thus to encourage discussion about the very nature of sound research and its impact on the understanding and appreciation of music and sound in all their varieties.

Therefore, we invite papers on the following topics:

- Sound and identity processes: Exploration of the importance of sound as an identity element in various societies.

- Criticism of the interventionism of sound studies: Analysis of the process of signification of sounds, and criticism of the interventionist nature of sound studies.

- Resignification of noise and silence: Reflection on the cultural construction of the concepts of noise and silence and how they affect auditory perception in different sound environments.

- Influence of sound atmospheres on artistic creation: Research on how sound atmospheres, natural or urban, influence artistic creativity.

- Intersection between aurality and cultural constructions: Examination of how aurality contributes to the formation and expression of cultural identities.

- Technological and sound mediation: Evaluation of technological mediation in the creation, distribution and perception of sound.

Papers can be submitted until 10 July 2024. Articles and any questions or queries should be sent to:, or directly to the issue editor:

Submission guidelines are available at:

Texts will be accepted in Spanish, Catalan or English. If the original text is not written in English, the journal will take care of its translation, so that all articles will be published in English, and in Spanish or Catalan.